OpenHIE Partner: Linux Foundation

  • Membership Status 2022-2024

Founded in the summer of 2020, The Linux Foundation Public Health’s (LFPH) mission is to use open source software to help publish health authorities around the world.

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The Linux Foundation utilizes collective resources to build large, sustainable ecosystems:

  • Events: Gathered over 45,000 attendees from over 12,000 organizations across 113 countries in 2019
  • Legal: Manages IP for the world’s most important tech and has one of the world’s top legal teams in house
  • Training: Trained millions of students through free and paid online training, online skills certification, and on-site e-learning
  • Certification: Designed and implemented both software and hardware testing certification programs
  • Developer Marketing: Largest share of voice of any open source foundation and a proven method to build large scale developer programs
  • Developer Operations: Hosts the infrastructure that develops the world’s largest software communities and provides release management, IT ops, and support
  • Application Security: Projects are regularly audited and pen tested, and they offer bug bounties, dependency analysis, and code scanning

Linux Foundation in OpenHIE & the Digital Health Community

LFPH hosts several exposure notification apps like COVID Green and Herald.

  • COVID Green was developed by NearForm as part of Ireland’s response to the pandemic. Since’s its launch by Ireland’s Health Services Executive in July, it has achieved over 30% adoption.
  • Herald was developed by VMWare as part of the UK’s response to the pandemic. The protocol is not built off the Google-Apply Exposure Notification APIs. Australia and Alberta, CA have deployed the protocol in their app and Singapore has contributed the OpenTrace protocol to them.

Members set the direction for LFPH

Premiere members get a seat on the governing board, setting the strategy, and also appoint the Technical Advisory Committee, who approves the budget, and update the charter.

Premiere members also participate in the outreach committee to publicize LFPH and its hosted technologies, and collaborate across the industry to provide consistent messaging around public health, open source, security, and privacy.

Does Linux Foundation Inspire You to Consider a Partnership?

Does the OpenHIE mission resonate with the goals of your organization? Let’s work together to combine resources, ideas, and networks to improve health outcomes for resource emerging areas!

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